Embedded Studio Designer
The Embedded Studio designer is divided into two sections:
- Options panel: Adjust Style and Configure settings for each page.
- Preview panel: Displays real-time updates to show how changes will look for supporters.
Switching between pages
Each page has unique style and configuration options. We recommend reviewing each page to make sure it aligns with your campaign goals.
To change pages:
- Go to the Design tab
- Choose a page from the dropdown menu
Inline donation grid
The inline donation grid appears directly on your website’s page, allowing supporters to select a donation amount and open the embedded form to complete their transaction.
Styling options for the inline donation grid:
- Border radius
- Button colors
- Background colors and opacity
- Drop shadow
Configuration options (found in the Configure tab):
- Donation frequencies and suggested amounts
Embedded donation form
The embedded donation form overlays your website when a supporter selects the donate button or chooses an amount on the inline donation grid.
Styling options:
- Border radius
Content panel
Add a content panel to the form to showcase a donation’s impact and encourage giving.
To toggle on the panel:
- Go to the Configure tab
- Toggle the content panel on or off, then select it in the Preview panel to access its options
Next to Image, switch between Content and Hero images to adjust the panel's overall look.
Add images, text, and sponsor logos to the panel to showcase how donations make an impact and encourage giving.
Hero image
Display a larger image spanning the entire panel with a heading on top.
Recurring donation nudge
Recurring nudges help turn one-time gifts into sustainable monthly donors. When someone chooses a one-time gift between your highest and lowest options, this nudge suggests a smaller monthly donation that’s 25% of the selected amount.
To turn on the recurring donation nudge:
- Go to the Settings tab
- Toggle it on under Donation options
The recurring nudge includes a graphic whose style, icon, and animation options you can edit.
Donor covered fees nudge
The donor covered fees nudge prompts donors to cover transaction fees, ensuring that the full donation amount goes to the organization.
To turn on the donor covered fees nudge:
- Go to the Settings tab
- Toggle it on under Donation options
The donor covered fees nudge also includes a graphic with style, icon, and animation options you can edit.
Thank you screen
The thank you screen appears after a transaction is complete. This page lets you show appreciation and encourages supporters to share the campaign with their network, increasing your campaign’s reach.